Ciolacu îndeamnă românii din Italia să se întoarcă acasă și promite schimbări în țară

Ciolacu îndeamnă românii din Italia să se întoarcă acasă și promite schimbări în țară

Postat pe 15 Feb 2024

Update cu 9 luni în urmă

Timp de citire: 7 minute

Articol scris de: Maria Simionescu

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Premierul Marcel Ciolacu encourages Romanian citizens living in Italy to return home, admitting that "we still have unpaid public services in Romania, health care, and education system". "If no one has ever apologized for being forced to leave the country, I have no problem apologizing," he said. "Italy is Romania's second largest partner in the European Union. We had trade relations worth over 20 billion euros last year and you, the representatives of the Romanian diaspora in Italy, rank second in the number of companies established in Italy. In Italy there is a diaspora of over one million Romanians. As a prime minister, it's hard to tell whether this is a joy or not. I know the average age is 34-35 years old. In fact, the entire added value of Romania, one third of which has left Romania, is now in Italy. Even though we have the highest number of active employees in Romania, over 5.7 million Romanians, we certainly have a labor force crisis," said Marcel Ciolacu on Wednesday evening at a meeting with representatives of the Romanian community in Italy. He maintained that he is not one of the politicians "who seek those responsible for getting here." "I believe it is our duty not to find those responsible, but to find solutions. I believe that each of you wants to return to the country you left at some point. My dear ones, I am firmly convinced, perhaps more than Romania, you love Romania, the customs and traditions of Romania, and through a common partnership, a partnership between governments, a partnership between local administrations, through economic forums, at least the experience you have gained in Italy over the past few decades and so necessary in Romania's development, we can slowly, maybe convince you to come to Romania for a period of time and help develop Romania," the prime minister stated. According to him, Romania has a "last train." "I am firmly convinced that you know a lot of the bad things that happen in Romania and maybe we don't always give importance to the good things. This is Romania's last train at the moment, called the European Union, the National Recovery and Resilience Program, and European funds. Without these instruments - and here I'm not just talking about money - Romania will miss its last train. All the past reforms in the National Recovery and Resilience Program will bring our administrative system in line with that of other European states. Romania cannot afford to lose one more moment or form this last train. This is the first time we have ever talked and seen the end of the Moldova motorway. We all know that the largest migration exodus in the last 25 years was from the Moldova region. It's the first time we're trying to develop Romania's historical regions in the same balance," he continued. Ciolacu urges Romanians to return to the country, but admits that "we still have unpaid" in several areas. "I am firmly convinced that in some areas, if you return to Romania you will earn the same or even more than you do in Italy, but I am also aware that we still have debts in terms of Romania's public services, in terms of health care, and in terms of the education system. Rarely in Romania do young people first start a family and then try to focus on their careers. Things have reversed, not because of them, but out of a normal desire for self-preservation. Young people in Romania first want to have a career and then have a family, to raise children, because we haven't yet been able to have a system of daycares, kindergartens, and after-school activities so that parents can go to work knowing that their children are not necessarily cared for by their grandparents or parents," Ciolacu maintained. He spoke about the budget allocated to education, as well as investments in this field, and a new approach to the healthcare system. "Romania's Cinderella, the Ministry of Transport, has the most investments," Ciolacu pointed out. According to the prime minister, "we are a safe country." "We are a safe country, one of the safest countries, we are a Christian country, with great faith in God, we are a beautiful country. If nobody has ever apologized for being forced, at some point, to leave the country, I have no problem apologizing, but I am firmly convinced that through better connections, through the Romanian embassy, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through local authorities and, last but not least, through Mayor Roberto Gualtieri (the mayor of Rome - Editor), we can have a closer relationship and not miss the opportunities that the future presents us with," he concluded.
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Autor știre

Maria Simionescu


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